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John B. DeValles Elementary School, New Bedford

We are committed to developing a community of learners who are academically proficient, demonstrate strong character and exhibit self-confidence.


DeValles Elementary School Vision: DeValles Dragons work hard everyday to be Brilliant Scholars, Kind Leaders, and Careful Community Members.

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" At the start of the 2022 school year, the John B. DeValles Elementary School in New Bedford had no library for its 310 k-5 students. In Massachusetts, the school ranks amongst the most challenged and the teaching staff, school and district administration are working hard to help the school improve and grow. There is clearly a need to improve academic outcomes for all students at the school.

     Early in the school year, a teacher coordinated an initial book drive with her family and friends which resulted in a few boxes of wonderful children's books which were distributed during open house night in September. The smiles on students’ faces were noteworthy. Inspired by the enthusiasm of families with books in hand that night, the school community continued to think about ways to continue to build upon the initial distribution and grow a love of reading for all.

     With the books left over from the open house, the women in charge of building maintenance and the administration came up with an idea of installing shelving. For a few weeks, the shelves sat mostly empty. Then, through a chance meeting of friends, the assistant principal had a quick conversation about needing books and made a connection with Storytime Crafts. Quickly after hearing about the initial need, Storytime helped to fill the shelves. On a beautiful fall morning, Storytime Crafts delivered 1,500 books, 150 games, and a few other needed items.

     The books and games have already become a part of the fabric of the school. The books are being used by teachers for instruction, providing an opportunity to choose something new or more relevant to students. Our students are helping to care for the library space and are finding titles they want to read both in school and at home. Our social emotional learning team is using games to build students’ ability to play together.

     Storytime Crafts promotes literacy and kindness. At the John B. DeValles school, teachers and administrators hope to inspire the same. Each day we ask students to be Brilliant Scholars, Kind Leaders, and Careful Community Members. Having access to books in our school is an important step in giving our students the access they need and deserve.

     Thank you Storytime Crafts and the Martin Richard Foundation for making our lending library possible."


Dr. Mario Pires, PrincipalMichelle da Costa, Assistant Principal

John B. DeValles Elementary School, New Bedford, MA

Partners and Sponsors for Literacy:

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Storytime Crafts, Inc. 2019  --  Needham, MA 02494

Stoytime Crafts, Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit organization.  TAX ID# 83-4336023


Storytime Crafts, Inc. does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations.

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